
1973, lives and works in Berlin and Lima

University Education

2002 – 2005Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), Institute for Art in Context: Master of Arts
1999 – 2002Kunsthochschule Kassel [Kassel University of Arts]: studies and degree in Visual Arts
1990 – 1995Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú [Pontifical Catholic University of Peru]: Bachelor of Arts in Painting

Teaching Experience

2008 Submitted professorship for Painting, Kunsthochschule Kassel
1998 Drawing II, Fine Arts School Lima (Peru)

Scholarships / Grants

2022Neu Start Kultur, scholarship of Stiftung Kunstfonds [Art Fund Foundation]
2022Al Lado, Artist-in-Residence program, Lima
2018Mentoring program for highly qualified artists and art researches at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)
Since 2010Kunstquartier Bethanien art center, studio program funded by the Senate of Berlin and bbk Berlin
2008Frans Masereel Centrum, Artist-in-Residence in Printing, Belgium
2006Goldrausch Project for Women Artists, Berlin
2002 – 2004KAAD [Catholic Academic Exchange Service] 

Solo Exhibitions


“El vestido al revés” [“Dress the other way round”], ICPNA Cultural (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima, Peru. Curated by Miguel A. López


Hablo un borde extraño” [“I speak a strange edge”], Galería Del Paseo, Lima, Peru. Curated by Miguel A.  López


“Cortar el aire” [“Cutting the air”], Museo de Arte de San Marcos [Art Museum of the University of San Marcos], Lima, Peru

2018“Umbra”, wall works at Socorro Polivalente, Lima, Peru
2012“Enfant Terrible”, ICPNA Cultural (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima, Peru
2011“Cut Dreams Extended Drawing”, gallery of Paris 8 University, Department of Fine Arts, Paris, France
2009“A Través Through”, Superbien project space, Berlin, Germany
2008“Animas”, Art Association Bernau-Berlin
2007“Personanormal”, Forum gallery, Lima, Peru
2007Structures of Feeling”, Ulf Wetzka gallery, Berlin, Germany
2007“Ser Res”, Ulf Wetzka gallery, Berlin, Germany

Group Exhibitions (selection)

2022“Momente der Erzählung” [“Moments of Narration“], Haus Kunst Mitte – House for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
2021“Tania Bedriñana / Bente Stocke“, duo exhibition, Edvard Munch House, Warnemünde, Germany
2021HAY ALGO INCOMESTIBLE EN LA GARGANTA – Poéticas antipatriarcales y nueva escena en los años noventa, ICPNA Cultural (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima (Peru), curated by Miguel A López (catalogue)
2021Art Prize of ICPNA Cultural (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), exhibition of the finalists, Lima, Peru
2021“Moving Feeling”, Untitled Art fair, Javiera Aninat Projects (Chile) & Galería del Paseo, Lima, Peru and Miami, USA
2021“Hay algo incomestible en la garganta – Poéticas antipatriarcales y nueva escena en los años noventa” [“Hard to Swallow: Antipatriarchal Poetics and the New Scene in the 1990s”], ICPNA Cultural (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima, Peru. Curated by Miguel A López
2019“Possible Books”, art book project presented at Art Book Fair, Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart [Hamburger Bahnhof, National Gallery for Contemporary Art], Berlin, Germany
2019“Wesen” [“Creatures”], Tania Bedriñana and Maryna Baranovska, Meinblau project space, Berlin, Germany. Curated by Dr. Marie Christine Jadi
2019“Im großen Schiff der Gefühle” [“On the Great Ship of Feelings”], Association of Berlin Women Artists 1867, Torstraße 111 project space, Berlin, Germany
2019“The Ahh-ness of Things”, project room 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien art center, Berlin, Germany
2012Anna Schmidt, Kunst im Hafen, Düsseldorf
A través del dibujo, Museo de Arte de San Marcos Lima (Peru), Museo Tambo Quirquincho (Bolivia)
2018“12 aus 46“, exhibition of the Association of Berlin Women Artists 1867, Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Berlin, Germany. Curated by Dr. Anna Havemann
2017“Fortsetzung Jetzt! – 150 Jahre Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen 1867” [“Continuation, Now! – 150th Anniversary of the Association of Berlin Women Artists”], Alte Kaserne gallery, Spandau Citadel, Berlin, Germany. Curated by Claudia Beelitz
2017“Be my Memory: A Selection of Contemporary Art from Peru”, Y Gallery, New York, USA. Curated by Miguel A. López
2016“Retour” [“Return”], anniversary of Stellwerk Kassel (exhibition room of the Kassel Art College), Kassel, Germany
2016“Colección Permanente Siglo XX-XXI” [“Permanent Collection of the 20th and 21st Centuries”], Museo de Arte de San Marcos (Art Museum of the University of San Marcos), Lima, Peru
2011“Obscura Patina”, Art Association of Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
2010“Paraísos y Prisiones”, L’Imaginaire gallery, Alliance Francaise, Lima, Peru
2004“MAC in Transit”, Museum for Contemporary Art (MAC), Santiago de Chile, Chile

Catalogues / Texts

2022“El vestido al revés” [“The Dress backwards”]. Solo catalogue. Texts by Miguel A. López: “An Ear from a Hand from a Blotch from a Dress“ and Florencia Portocarrero: “Butterfly Wings: The Fragile Subversion of Tania Bedriñana“. Ed. ICPNA Cultural (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima, Peru
2019“Cuadernillo” [“Booklet”]. Catalogue for the exhibition “Cortar el aire – Recorte contemporáneo” [“Cutting the Air – Contemporary Cut-Out”]. Ed. Museo de Arte de San Marcos (Art Museum of the University of San Marcos), Lima, Peru (several authors)
2019“Wesen” [“Creatures”]. Exhibition text by Dr. Marie Christine Jàdi, Meinblau project space, Berlin, Germany
2012“Enfant Terrible”. Catalogue. Text by Ferenc Jàdi: “Radicalism in Drawing“, Ed. ICPNA (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima, Peru
2006“Magma”. Catalogue. Text by Harm Lux: “Von Inseln und Empathie“ [“On Islands and Empathy”]. Ed. Goldrausch Project for Women Artists, Berlin, Germany
2006“Ser/Res”. Solo catalogue. Text by Gabriela Germana: “The logic of instability“. Ed. Forum gallery, Lima, Peru

Works in Collections

 Jorge Perez Collection, Miami, USA
 Collection of the Museo de Arte de San Marcos (Art Museum of the University of San Marcos), Lima, Peru
 Collection of ICPNA (Peruvian-North American Cultural Center), Lima, Peru
 Alberto Rebaza Collection, Lima, Peru

Participation in Appointment Processes

2016 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, appointment process for the professorship of Figurative Painting
2014 Philipps University of Marburg, appointment process for the W2 professorship of Painting and Graphic Design (tertio loco)
2009 Dresden University of Fine Arts, appointment process for the W2 professorship of Painting


since 2017Member of „Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen 1867, Association of historical and contemporary berlin women artists, founded in 1867
since 2020Represented by Galeria del Paseo Lima, Peru